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Create a Period Proud Environment

Help make your organisation a supportive environment for girls and young people who menstruate.

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Create a Period Proud Environment

Help make your organisation a supportive environment for girls and young people who menstruate.

Periods are a normal part of life, but many girls and young people don't feel confident managing their periods. Lack of education about periods, stigma and shame around menstruation and the cost of period products are just some of the challenges they face.

We’ve teamed up with Nurofen’s ​​See My Pain campaign to tackle these issues. Together we're creating Period Proud Environments - spaces where workplaces, schools, colleges and other institutions actively support girls and young people to manage their periods, free from stigma and shame.

Your organisation can become one of them. Sign up to join our free Period Proud Environment workshop. 

Please contact [email protected] if you would like to discuss delivering the workshop specifically for your organisation

Create a Period Proud Environment

Be the first to hear about our free workshop and other Period Proud activities. 

What is a Period Proud Environment?

A Period Proud Environment supports girls and young people to manage their periods confidently. 

The stigma that surrounds periods and the limited understanding of girls' and young people’s needs means organisations do not always provide the right support. 

A Period Proud Environment can help change that. By taking small steps like having free period products on hand and consulting with young people on approaches to promote and distribute them, organisations can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for girls and young people who have periods.   

A girl takes part in a workshop
'In our school, the period products are kept in the library. Some of my friends feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about going to get the period products from the library.” Sabiha, 14

In the uk...



have missed school because of their period 1

1 in 5


have been teased or bullied for having their period 2


of girls

say they have difficulty accessing free period products at school 3

Why do we need Period Proud Environments?

Gender inequality in healthcare remains a significant issue in the UK. This is particularly evident in the gender pain gap that exists – where pain experienced by girls and women is often less understood, less researched and less effectively treated than pain in boys and men. Menstrual health forms a significant part of this gap, with a lack of understanding and support contributing to the problem.

Girls and young people also face a ‘toxic trio’ of issues preventing them from managing their periods as they need to. Lack of education can make girls and young people feel unprepared for their periods and uncertain about what’s happening to their bodies. Many struggle to cover the cost of their periods. And the shame and stigma around periods can make girls and young people withdraw from activities or prevent them from seeking the support they need to manage their menstrual health.

That’s where Period Proud Environments come in. Together we can create inclusive spaces where girls and young people are supported to manage their periods confidently and not feel held back by their periods.  

Period proud environments handbook cover

How to create a Period Proud Environment

How well is your organisation supporting girls and young people who menstruate? Does​​ it empower and encourage young people to be open, seek support and understand their periods? Or could it do more?

Together with Nurofen, we're supporting organisations to become Period Proud Environments through our free online workshop. 

The workshop builds knowledge of the challenges that girls and young people face and provides best practice solutions and a simple checklist of actions to take.

Any organisation that interacts with girls and young people can sign up. This could include schools, colleges, workplaces, youth clubs, sports clubs or community centres, for example. What matters is that you want to help create a more supportive environment for girls and young people who menstruate.  

Sign up above to be notified about our workshop and other future activities.  

Supported by an educational grant from Nurofen.

Nurofen 'See my pain' logo




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