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Campaign with us

Building a fairer world for girls starts with
all of us, and we can only do it together. 


Campaign with us

Building a fairer world for girls starts with all of us, and we can only do it together.

Together, we have the power to make a more equal world.    

Girls’ rights are still challenged in all corners of the globe. It might look different in different places, but girls can still see it, they can feel it. From period stigma, public sexual harassment, female genital mutilation, and child marriage. It all has the same roots – not seeing girls as equals. And we won’t stand for it anymore.      

That’s why we campaign shoulder to shoulder with inspirational girls, both in the UK and globally – we follow their lead to start a wave of change on the issues that matter to them.  

Why we campaign for girls’ rights 


girls every year are married before the age of 18.


times more likely for girls living in conflict and crisis areas to be out of school.


of girls aged 12-21 in the UK have experienced public sexual harassment in their lifetime.

make change happen 

Be the first to hear about our latest campaigns and ways to get involved.

Campaign toolkits

Campaign toolkits

Three young female campaigners standing in front of brick wall

Campaign toolkits

Everything you need to become a youth activist and campaign on the issues that matter to you. We’ve created this toolkit, to empower and support you through each phase of your journey to creating change. The toolkit takes you through how to organise a campaign, influence decision makers, get creative and amplify your message.


Find out more


Our campaigns

Our campaigns

Ending public sexual harassment

Every day girls face being harassed, followed and touched – and they’ve had enough. That’s why, in partnership with Our Streets Now, we set out to protect girls from all forms of public sexual harassment.

Find out how young people led the #CrimeNotCompliment campaign and secured a new law.  

find out more

Text: Imagine if you could stop public sexual harassment of girls in the UK. Guess what. You can.
Billboards with illustrations like these formed part of our #CrimeNotCompliment campaign.
A group photo during a street art tour from the YAP residential.
Plan International UK's youth activists at their residential.

Raising girls' voices

Every day decisions are made by those in power that shape girl’s lives – but girls voices are often excluded.

Girls need your support today to make those in power truly listen to and involve them – because real change happens when girls are given a seat at the table. 

Stand with girls

Our campaigns in action

Our campaigns in action

Holly, 18, is a young campaigner calling for public sexual harassment to be made a crime in the UK.
Holly, 18, is a young campaigner calling for public sexual harassment to be made a crime in the UK.

Crime Not Compliment: Holly's story

“As a young woman, unfortunately I am all too familiar with the impacts and attitudes surrounding public sexual harassment.  

“Getting involved with Crime Not Compliment was a no-brainer for me. I didn’t just get involved to create a better future for myself, I got involved to force a better future for the young women and girls coming after me too.  

“It’s incredibly fulfilling to be able to connect with other people all working towards the same goal: a future where no young woman or girl has to feel unsafe when out in public.” 

We work tirelessly with girls across the world to make spaces safe for them, like here in the UK by campaigning with girls like Holly, 18, to make public sexual harassment a crime.  

By coming together and standing shoulder to shoulder with youth activists, we will win a just and equal future for girls.

Meera's motivation to campaign

"My motivation to campaign stems from the fact that politics affects our everyday lives. Whether you engage in politics or not, politics has a definite impact on you.

"Given this, I believe it is vital to have a say in the laws and policies that essentially shape our future and generations to come. Campaigning for global issues is incredibly important to me because we are fortunate to live in a country where our voices can be heard.

"The harsh reality for millions of people elsewhere in the world is that they do not have the same platform to share their opinions or really create change. This is why campaigning for global issues is crucial. For example, our hunger crisis campaign has helped to spread awareness and put pressure on the government to increase the amount of funds allocated to aid."

Motivation for campaigning
Meera, 20, a former Youth Advisory Panel member and member of Youth for Education in Emergencies at our London youth residential. Photo by Alex Smart.

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