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Our partners 

Working in partnership helps us achieve more for children and girls.

Our partners

Working in partnership helps us achieve more for children and girls.

We all want to build a better world. A world where every child can achieve their potential and every girl can choose their own future. We know we are stronger when we work together to achieve our shared goals.   

We collaborate at every level, right across our organisation. It's with young people designing a programme that's tailored to them. It's with other charities so we can maximise our impact during emergencies. Whether it is partnering with young people, local organisations, communities or a company, together we can do more. 

Collaboration is at our heart. And we're proud to have such a diverse array of partners that truly elevate and improve what we exist to do.

Together with local actors 

Our response to the Ukraine conflict has been in partnership with local organisations like Moldova for Peace. Working through local actors means we are supporting the capacity of organisations who are already there while bringing our expertise in child protection and ensuring girls’ specific needs are met.  

Oleg Tomsa is the coordinator for the Moldova for Peace warehouse in Chisinau which distributes food, hygiene supplies and baby products to Ukrainian refugees with the support of Plan International.

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My role in the distribution warehouse is to pack and hand out food and hygiene kits to the refugees. What inspires me most about volunteering is that we bring joy to people.


— Tatiana, 60, a Ukrainian refugee who volunteers with Moldova for Peace

our DEC lock up red

Together with the DEC

Plan International UK is a proud member of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), an umbrella organisation that brings together 15 UK aid agencies to tackle major humanitarian emergencies. It aims to save lives by maximising money raised and ensuring funds are spent in the most effective and transparent way possible. In recent years we have received money from a number of DEC appeals to support our emergency response to the Ukraine conflict, Covid-19 pandemic and Cyclone Idai.

And if we can’t respond directly to a crisis, we still help raise money for the appeal to ensure life-saving assistance reaches those who need it most.  

Find out more about the DEC

Together with partners

We partner with individuals, companies, trusts and foundations to transforms children’s lives around the world.

Across the globe, our partners are helping to provide the essentials children need to grow up safe, including helping them learn, stay healthy and protected. Together we’re challenging gender inequality, improving girls’ lives and supporting children and their families to recover in the aftermath of disasters.

Become a partner

Alanys, 17, is a peer educator for the Young Health Programme – a global partnership between Plan International and AstraZeneca.
Alanys, 17, is a peer educator for the Young Health Programme – a global partnership between Plan International and AstraZeneca.
Maya and Gemma sitting on a bench in their home town
Maya and Gemma from Our Streets Now campaign in partnership with us to end public sexual harassment in the UK.

Together with young people 

At the end of 2020 we launched our Crime Not Compliment campaign in partnership with the youth-led organisation Our Streets Now. 

Together, with thousands of girls across the UK, we set out to change the law in order to protect girls from all forms of public sexual harassment by making it a specific criminal offence. Our ground-breaking partnership has successfully secured a piece of legislation which signals a step forward along our journey to making the streets safer for women and girls.

Join our campaign

Together with sponsors

Sponsorship is a partnership – a partnership across continents and cultures. Sponsors and sponsored children exchange letters, cards and learn from each other. They learn about each other’s lives, their dreams and aspirations and their daily lives. 

And sponsorship allows us to make a long-term commitment to communities. Our partnerships with sponsorship communities mean together we can identify the biggest challenges facing the families living here. It also means we can be there working alongside them for many years to come.

Become a sponsor

Tara and Budero with their youngest daughter Lipi who is part of Plan International’s sponsorship programme.
Tara and Budero with their youngest daughter Lipi who is part of Plan International’s sponsorship programme.

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