What You Can Do
Want to advance children’s rights and equality for girls? Here’s what you can do.
What You Can Do
Want to advance children’s rights and equality for girls? Here’s what you can do.
Who doesn't want a more just and equal world for children, especially girls? A world where every child can reach their full potential. A world where every girl can choose her own future.
We believe this can be done and that everyone can be part of it – especially you.
Boost your knowledge of the most pressing issues facing girls around the world. Stand up for what’s right by taking part in our campaigns. Back a community striving to build better lives for children by sponsoring a child.
Whatever gifts, time or passions you have, let us help you channel them to create lasting change.
We won’t stop until we are all equal. If you're with us, here's what you can do.

Sponsor a child
“My life has changed ever since I got involved with Plan International. Now, I don’t only think about myself, but also about the society, my community and my country.”
Antora is a 16-year-old sponsored child in Bangladesh. Her words highlight what child sponsorship is all about – helping children dream bigger.
When you sponsor a child, you help provide both encouragement and practical support. Your words cheer children on from afar while your donations help communities provide whatever's needed – from training new teachers to installing water points.
Campaign for change
Do you believe in a just and equal world for girls? Stop wishing. Start doing.
Join us now to take action for change. Whether signing a petition, emailing your Member of Parliament, sharing on social media or spreading the word in your community – all actions big or small – make a difference.
From calling for action on the global hunger crisis to ending public sexual harassment in the UK, see how you can stand shoulder to shoulder with girls.

Get fundraising
There are so many ways you can put your time, skills and creativity towards transforming the lives of children and equality for girls.
Dean chose to channel his running skills and took on the London Marathon. He also boosted his fundraising by matching sponsorship pound for pound from his own pocket.
“I was deeply honoured to be able to combine my love of running with my support for such an important cause,” said Dean. “I most enjoyed that magical moment when I reached the Team Plan cheer point.”
Build knowledge
“There are times when I feel so hungry that I think going to school would be a waste,” says 15-year-old Martha in South Sudan.
Martha is not alone. Did you know that around 11% of the global population are affected by hunger? Or that 130 million girls are completely missing out on school?
It’s important to hear the experiences of children and young people like Martha to create awareness and drive change. Build your knowledge by delving into more stories of those we work with and for.

Join Fierce Voices
If you’re passionate about girls’ rights, check out Fierce Voices. It’s inspired by young activists like Yadira, 18, from Ecuador and hopes to build more girls’ courage to speak out:
“We are all one voice, one heart, with thousands of thoughts and dreams ahead of us. So let's not let ourselves be defeated by problems, we are stronger than any problem,” says Yadira.
In every corner of the world, girls’ rights are under attack. They’re told what they can and can’t do with their bodies. They’re told their voices don’t matter.
Through Fierce Voices you can help girls learn about their rights. With this knowledge they can challenge things like child marriage. And they can tear down barriers to reach their potential.