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thames path challenge

thames path challenge

England’s greatest river provides a fantastic backdrop for this unforgettable challenge. Most will walk, many will jog, and some will be running, all past beautiful scenery. 

Starting at Putney Bridge, the full 100km route heads upstream to Henley along the famous Towpath. The route goes through Richmond, Hampton Court, Runnymede, and Windsor, to a riverside finish line.   

Whether you’re a walker and new to challenge events, an experienced trekker, a marathon enthusiast upping the distance, or a seasoned ultra runner after UTMB points – there’s a distance for you! Choose between a 22/28km, 50km, or 100km route. 

Date: 14-15 September 2024

Registration fee: £40 (full 100km route) 

Sponsorship pledge: £575 (full 100km route) 

Download the factsheet for all you need to know about the challenge and the different distance options, and get in touch if you're interested in taking part. 

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to keep 3 families safe and healthy during a disaster or emergency


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a year-long radio campaign in a Mali to help end FGM


could provide

one year’s school fees and study materials for 3 girls in Uganda

Register your interest for 2024