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LondoN Marathon

LondoN Marathon

The London Marathon needs no introduction. Cheering crowds, iconic landmarks and a finish on the Mall after 26.2 miles - makes this one of the greatest marathon routes in the world! 

When: 27 April 2025

Registration Fee: £100 (can be paid in instalments) 

Minimum Fundraising Target: £2000

How we can support you: we'll be on hand to give you all the help and advice you need to cross that finish line with our free training plans, fundraising pack and a running T-shirt.

To apply for one of our places, please email us with the following details:

  • Title
  • First name and surname
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Why you would like to support Plan International UK
  • How you will go about raising the required £2000 (exclusive of Gift Aid) in sponsorship?
  • Whether your employer matches gifts
  • Telephone/ mobile number (optional)

Remember to give as much detail as possible, so we can learn more about you. All applications will be reviewed and we’ll be in touch with next steps.  

Got a London Marathon ballot place secured for 2025? You can still Join Team Plan, we’d love to have you. Get in touch with our friendly team today for more information on how to fundraise.

Get in touch


Free T-Shirt

Receive a free running shirt to train in and a vest to wear on the day

Fundraising Support

We will support you every step of the way with fundraising tips, ideas and training plans

Support Girls

Raise vital funds to help girls have an equal chance and a future of possibilities

london marathon
Dean seeing the Team Plan cheer point at the London Marathon.

"A truly extraordinary experience”

“Running the London Marathon is a truly extraordinary experience. I was deeply honoured to be able to combine my love of running with my support for such an important cause.

On the day of the race, I most enjoyed that magical moment when I reached the Team Plan cheer point. I was so excited I even stopped for a few seconds to give my mum a quick kiss!” Dean, Team Plan London Marathon runner 2022.  


Thank you for applying for one of our charity places. We only have a limited number so please ensure you include as much detail as you can in your answers. Good luck!

“Before this training, I used to use old clothes rags during my period. Now, I have three sanitary pads that I can interchange and use for years to come” says Kologo, after taking part in a workshop
“Before this training, I used to use old clothes rags during my period. Now, I have three sanitary pads that I can interchange and use for years to come” says Kologo, after taking part in a workshop

Run with us and transform lives

Millions of girls in Mali don’t have access to adequate menstrual products and are experiencing period poverty.  

To help girls manage their periods and stay in school for longer, we are providing training workshops for girls in rural communities. The workshops teach girls how to use locally sourced fabric to sew hygienic reusable sanitary pads. Each pad can be used for over twelve months.  

Your fundraising will help support girls like Kologo, removing the barriers to education and supporting girls worldwide to thrive. 


By running The London Marathon you could help support more girls like Kologo to thrive. Good luck!