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youth advisory panel

Young voices at the centre of Plan International UK

Youth advisory panel

Young voices at the centre of Plan International UK

We know that young people can change the world. From fighting for equal education rights to campaigning to make public sexual harassment a crime, young people are making a difference to the issues that matter to them. 

The Youth Advisory Panel, YAP for short, is the voice of young people at Plan International UK. They are a group of 20 youth advisors that help shape our work and demand young people are heard across society.

The youth advisors are aged 14-21 and based across the UK. They have different interests, skills and experiences, but they have one thing in common – they are passionate about making the world a better place.

What does the Youth Advisory Panel do?

What does the Youth Advisory Panel do?

Depending on their own interests, members of YAP take part in a range of activities that help build a more equal world. They may be influencing politicians at party conferences one day, to inputting into decisions at Plan International UK the next. Along the way they are gaining new skills and making friends.

Elodie, 17, Youth Advisory Panel member.
Elodie, 17, Youth Advisory Panel member.

Bringing a youth voice to decision-making

“Two of us youth advisors have the role of Youth Observer at Plan International UK. A Youth Observer is a young person who attends Board meetings with the Trustees and leadership team. Each meeting, they update the Trustees on how Plan International UK is supporting young people to make change. They also give input on various aspects of running Plan International UK to ensure the organisation remains youth-centred.

“Being a Youth Observer has taught me how valued young people’s perspectives are, especially at Plan International, making me confident to use my voice and ask questions, because even simple comments are welcomed and noted. I have enjoyed meeting the Board members and learning about how all our different experiences, interests and roles come together to advance equality for girls!”

Elodie, 17, YAP member

Campaigning for change

“Crime not Compliment is a campaign aiming to make public sexual harassment a crime. I and a group of other youth advisors have been working with Plan International UK to make this happen. I’ve been part of events such as the Girls’ Rights Collective and giving out a presentation at London Metropolitan University.

“During my time with Plan International UK, I’ve loved seeing the campaign grow so far. The main thing I have learnt is knowing it’s possible to create change. Knowing there’s a possibility of a girl or anyone being able to feel safer in public is what I’m striving for.”

Beyonce, 19, YAP member

Beyonce, 19, Youth Advisory Panel member.
Beyonce, 19, Youth Advisory Panel member.
Maryam, 19, Youth Advisory Panel member
Maryam, 19, Youth Advisory Panel member
Plan UK Youth Advisory Panel members standing in a group

Getting to know each other

“The residentials are about coming together, doing fun activities and workshops and working on projects and campaigns. I’ve been to two residentials, and they’ve been great.

“Before the first time I was meeting everyone, I guess I was a bit nervous about how they were. But as soon we all came together, it was great talking to them. Everyone had different stories, and I liked listening to them and getting to know them better. At our last residential I broke fast with the group and taught everyone a special dua in Arabic during the special month of Ramadan.

“Doing public speaking has been a highlight for me. Because I’m quite a social person, I like talking to everyone. Some of the girls even said that I inspire them in how much confidence I have.”

Maryam, 19, YAP member

Read more about YAP

Read more about YAP

Interested in joining the panel?

Applications are currently closed with our next recruitment period scheduled for 2025.