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We are recruiting for our 2023/24 Young Change Makers in partnership with Child Friendly Cardiff.

If you live in Cardiff and are passionate about making the city a more equal place, you can apply for £1000 to bring your idea or project to life.

Today we are excited to launch round three of our Young Change Maker Grant scheme with our partner Child Friendly Cardiff.

  • Are you passionate about girls’ rights and want to raise awareness of issues facing young women and girls in your community?

  • Have you ever been made to feel sad, unsafe, or sexualised because of your gender? Do you want to raise awareness or challenge that?

  • Do you think society pressures influence unhealthy relationships? Do you have a project that highlights these issues and challenges behaviours?

  • We want to fund young people who are working to empower young men and boys to embrace healthy and positive masculinities.

  • Do you want to challenge harmful gender norms?

If this sounds like you then you can find out more about the grant scheme in the easy-to-read information packs below and apply now.

Download information pack in Welsh

Download information pack in English



A huge congratulations to our 2022/23 Welsh young change makers. The 37 young people from 11 youth led funded projects across Wales have made their communities are more equal and safer place for young women and girls.

We celebrated these amazing young people back in April 2023 at the Salesforce tower, where we heard from many of them about their work and its impact through presentations and spoken word. Sector professionals, decision makers and funders gathered to find out more about the grant scheme and meet the young change makers to find out more about their projects. You can also see below what they got up to over the 6 months.

We are so proud to have worked with such passionate young people and we know that Wales is in safe hands with young people like them working for such an important change!