Our work in Wales
Working to prevent violence against women and girls.
Our work in Wales
Working to prevent violence against women and girls.
Building from our previous work on the Champions of Wales programme, EDGE (Education Developing Gender Equality) and the Young Change Maker programme in Wales our current focus is on prevention of violence. Meaningful engagement with boys and young men to reframe healthy and non-violent definitions of masculinity is critical for achieving true gender equality.
Together, with partners and allies, we raise awareness, highlight the importance of early preventative work and work closely with professionals who support boys and young men - to help promote positive masculinity and reduce violence against women and girls.
We have formed an international collaboration with global anti-violence movement She is Not Your rehab founded by New Zealand based TEDx speakers and best-selling authors Matt and Sarah Brown. The partnership sees us host international visits, events and create resources of relevance to the youth & education sector in Wales.
Plan International UK & She is Not Your Rehab 2023 tour impact
Plan International UK & She is Not Your Rehab 2023 tour impact
Lead the Change Bystander Intervention training
Welsh Government with support from Kindling Transformative Interventions and PLAN International are delivering a pilot of national bystander intervention training for the prevention of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV). This is part of Welsh Government strategy to tackle violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
When we see or hear sexual harassment, and do nothing, we empower the harasser. The same goes for sexism, misogyny, ‘banter’ and unwanted comments that degrade women and girls. When we let these things pass, we create a culture in which others feel able to take it further.
Active Bystander training gives people the skills and confidence to have conversations with friends and colleagues on these issues.
Lead the Change, bystander intervention training is available to organisations, community groups, sports teams, and workplaces in Wales from 2024-2026.

Register your interest in free active bystander training
Links and resources
links and resources
With support from the North Wales Futures Without Violence Fund Plan International UK are delighted to launch a free toolkit of practical activities designed for use with young people-to explore topics around masculinity, identity, gender equality and gender based violence.
We worked in partnership with the Wales Violence Prevention Unit, with funding support from the Moondance Foundation, to understand what works to engage men and boys in preventing violence against women and girls. We are excited to share the new evidence-based toolkit to support practitioners with engaging with men and boys, and mapping of existing provision across Wales. We delivered 50 sessions through eight 'test and learn' projects with partners to understand what works.
Read our reports
“You’ve given me the courage to challenge how boys treat girls” Key Findings from ‘Test and Learn’ Projects in Wales
Read in English or Read in Welsh
Investing in allies and ambassadors- Engaging men and boys in violence prevention: A Review of Programmes in Wales