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Will you give a gift today?

Birthdays are an amazing chance to look back on all our milestones and look forward to the future. And through your sponsorship, you’re supporting a child across the world to get an education, learn new skills and achieve their dreams.

But right now, millions of girls are denied the opportunity to learn because they are unable to reach their school safely.

Donations from sponsors like you can change this. Your donation today could help provide bicycles so that children are able to reach their schools safely and quickly. Will you donate today and help more children get an education?

Anitha standing with her bike outside, smiling at camera
Anitha, 16, Tanzania, now has more energy to focus on her schoolwork.

Anitha's story

‘I used to wake up at 4am to get to school on time,’ Anitha says. After a six kilometre walk she arrived at school tired and struggled to concentrate in her lessons.

It was a long and dangerous journey. ‘Motorcycle drivers used to approach me while I was walking, suggesting they could provide me with transport and money in return for sex... One day…I spotted a hyena staring at me. I ran as fast as I could that day.’

The journey was taking its toll on Anitha – until the day she got her bicycle from Plan International.

‘My bicycle has not only provided me with a faster way to get to school but has also shielded me from the unwanted advances of boys and men along the way,’ says Anitha.

Donate now

Help more children get an education that enables them to determine their own future.

The difference your message makes

Writing to the child you sponsor builds a unique connection. For the child you sponsor, the letters you send will be a wonderful reminder that there is someone thousands of miles away who thinks about them and supports their future. Not only that, but it encourages them to learn to read and write, and also enables you to learn about the country where they live.

You can write to the child you sponsor by sending a card or letter to us at Plan International UK, Finsgate, 5-7 Cranwood Street, London, EC1V 9LH or visiting our postbox to send a message online.

Write a message

Two young girls happily reading a birthday card from a Plan International sponsor
Y Douc (left), and her younger sister Y Day, Vietnam, read the birthday card received from Y Douc’s sponsor.