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Donate to the hunger crisis

Help end the global hunger crisis

Help end the global hunger crisis

The world is in the grip of the most devastating hunger crisis ever seen. Millions of children and their families are facing starvation. 

Conflict, the climate crisis and rising costs have all contributed to a steep rise in hunger. And nearly half of the world’s 345 million people facing acute hunger are children. 

Enough of empty plates as harvests fail. Enough of empty stomachs when there’s not enough to eat. Enough of empty seats in the classrooms when girls are forced to drop out. 

We are working with communities to provide life-saving food and protect children from harm. But we need to do more. Children are already dying from hunger. We can stop and reverse this crisis if we act now. 

Najma, 11, lives with her mother and three siblings in a displacement camp in Somalia.
Najma, 11, lives with her mother and three siblings in a displacement camp in Somalia.

Girls are most at risk

Najma's story

“Even if girls are hungry, we only eat leftovers, if there is any left. The younger children eat first," explains 11-year-old Najma in Somalia.

When food is scarce, girls often eat less and eat last. This takes its toll, especially as girls have unique nutritional needs.

As families and communities come under strain, girls’ futures are at risk. Somalia’s escalating drought forced Najma’s family to move. Now they live in a displacement camp and Najma has been forced to drop out of school.  

“I miss living a happy and normal life. I would like the government to enrol all children in school. Education is the most important thing,” added Najma. 

Our response

Our response

Plan International are working with communities to reach some of the most affected children and their families. A lifesaving donation from you today can help us reach more people through: 

  • Emergency food and water distributions
  • Cash and voucher assistance so families can buy their most needed essential items. It also boosts the local market
  • School meals to guarantee children have one meal a day
  • Malnutrition screenings and nutrition advice
  • Child protection programmes

A global crisis

We know you care about children in crisis. Right now, a silent but deadly hunger crisis is unfolding across the world. The time to act is now.

"We face a devastating hunger situation affecting millions of children in dozens of countries. Now I want to call for the world to pay attention to this hunger crisis, and treat all people in humanitarian crises equally."

Stephen Omollo, CEO, Plan International

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Your donations

Your donations

Your donations enable us to urgently scale up our response in 8 of the countries most affected by this devastating hunger crisis: Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Haiti. Any donations received that exceed what is needed for this emergency will be held in reserve to respond wherever the need is greatest. Thank you for your generosity.

Act now

Donate to our Hunger Crisis: Children's Emergency Appeal

Banner image: Oboch, South Sudan, has his arm measured to check for malnourishment.