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Children in Gaza face a crisis of terrifying proportions. No part of Gaza is safe for them and their families.  

Over 12,000 children have already lost their lives. And many more are now at risk of dying from starvation. Children are scared and witnessing horrors no child should have to see. Every day brings further death, suffering and devastation.  

For children in Gaza, time is rapidly running out.  

Our teams are working tirelessly with local partners to respond to the growing need for food, water, shelter and safety across the region. With your donation we can reach more children and their families with life-saving assistance.   

Children never start wars but suffer the most. Please donate to our Gaza Children’s Emergency Appeal.

Children's Emergency Appeal - red statement graphic

Plan International Statement, October 2023

"Nothing can ever justify the killing or maiming of children. We condemn the catastrophic violence that is currently unfolding in Gaza and Israel in the strongest terms and call for an immediate and complete ceasefire by all parties involved."

Read the full statement


What is the situation?

What is the situation?

The terrifying violence since 7 October across Gaza and Israel has left thousands of children killed, injured and abducted. Now humanitarian needs within Gaza are at an all-time high. 

Hunger is a constant and life-threatening reality for children and their families. They are dying of starvation. An entirely avoidable famine is imminent in northern Gaza with a risk of famine across the rest of Gaza too. 

More than 85% of the population in Gaza has been forcibly displaced and nearly all homes have been destroyed. There is almost no access to clean water and not a single medical facility in Gaza remains fully operational. People are quickly running out of food, water and medicine. Only a full ceasefire will enable the safe distribution of desperately needed supplies.   

We are deeply concerned about the dire situation for children in Gaza, the imminent threat of famine and the potential for a wider humanitarian crisis unfolding across the region. 

Help children in crisis now

The humanitarian emergency in Gaza is of unimaginable proportions. Help us reach children affected.

Donate now

Our response

Our humanitarian response teams based in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan are working tirelessly to support children and their families with life-saving assistance. Your donation will support our teams to respond to the growing humanitarian need across the region. 

We are supporting local partners to provide life-saving supplies and emergency assistance in Gaza. While Plan International does not directly operate within Gaza or the West Bank, we are working closely with humanitarian organisations to step up aid efforts to meet the mounting needs within Gaza. 

In Egypt, we have been procuring food, hygiene kits and other items to send to Gaza. In Lebanon, our team are responding to the rising number of internally displaced people, by distributing basic necessities like food, hygiene kits and blankets and mattresses.

We are ready to provide child protection expertise, mental health support and opportunities to learn. 

Back of Plan International response team member's jacket with Plan International logo on it
Plan International response teams in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan are preparing to support children.

What are we calling for?

What are we calling for?

  • Plan International condemns violence in the strongest terms and calls for an immediate and complete ceasefire by all parties involved.  
  • We call upon all parties to follow international humanitarian law, ensuring civilians, especially children, are protected and to ensure safe, ongoing and unhindered humanitarian access. We call for the immediate release and return of hostages.   
  • It is critical that safe and unhindered humanitarian access is facilitated, so that life-saving aid can reach children and their families in urgent need. We urge world leaders including the UK Prime Minister to do all in their power to ensure the provision of essential and life-saving relief assistance, including food, water, fuel and medical supplies and care and access of humanitarian personnel into Gaza.  
  • We have joined other aid agencies to call on the UK Government to put civilians first in the Gaza Israel conflict and to secure an immediate ceasefire.   
  • We also call on international actors to find a long-term, sustainable, just and peaceful solution for all people across the region.

Banner photo: A girl walks among ruins in Gaza after Israeli bombardments in October 2023 (Ali Jadallah/Anadolu via Getty Images).