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Partner with us
as a trust or foundation

Partner with us as a trust
or foundation

As a partner trust or foundation, your support enables us to deliver long-term, sustainable programmes which transform children’s lives in some of the world’s poorest countries. 

You can choose to support a specific project or area of work, or allow us to use your donation where it’s most needed. A dedicated Plan International UK contact will work closely with you.

You’ll receive regular updates on your project so you can see the impact it’s having. You can also visit to see our work first hand. 

Why we need your support


million children

adolescents and youth around the world are out of school


million children

are affected by disasters every year

1 in 4

young people

cannot find work for more than US$ 1.25 per day

The masonic charitable foundation supports vulnerable children

in the Phillipines

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How you can help

By supporting Plan, you can help provide the essentials children need to grow up safe and healthy. Together, we can challenge gender inequality, improve girls’ lives and support children and their families to recover in the aftermath of disasters.


could fund training sessions

for 450 teachers and improve the quality of education for as many as 20,000 children a year


could provide vital supplies

such as soap, food and blankets to over 10,000 children during a disaster


could provide vocational training and apprenticeships

for over 750 young people so they can build a future for themselves

In Zimbabwe, Patience has returned to school after Cyclone Idai, but worries about the future. "My grandfather is unable to earn enough money for both food and our school fees," she explains.
In Zimbabwe, Patience has returned to school after Cyclone Idai, but worries about the future. "My grandfather is unable to earn enough money for both food and our school fees," she explains.

Leaving no girl behind

All children deserve the chance to thrive. Education is crucial, and the most powerful tool in breaking the cycle of poverty. But around the world, millions of children miss out. Poverty, hunger and disasters all keep children out of school – especially girls. 

With support from Trusts and Foundations, we’re working to make sure every child can access education. We’re using innovative technology to broadcast lessons in rural Ghana and training teachers to support children who’ve fled conflict in South Sudan. With your support, we’re also changing girls’ education through projects like our Girls’ Education Challenge.  

READ MORE ABOUT girls education

Growing more food in Malawi

In Malawi, 80% of the population are smallholder farmers. Harvests are at the mercy of extreme weather, and crops are frequently damaged by droughts, floods and storms. This situation has a huge impact on children. In rural Malawi, 37% of children are malnourished and under-nutrition causes 23% of child deaths in the country.

We’re working to change this and aim to help over 145,000 farmers grow more food. Our project, Helping Young Farmers Thrive in Malawi, is giving farmers the support they need to increase yields and diversify what they grow. With the help of Trusts and Foundations, children in rural Malawi will have a better chance of growing up healthy.

In Malawi, 38-year-old Annes, who works as a farmer, faces a daily challenge to find enough food for her children.
In Malawi, 38-year-old Annes, who works as a farmer, faces a daily challenge to find enough food for her children.
Safe school for refugees in ethiopia

Safe school for refugees in Ethiopia

Western Ethiopia is now home to over 450,000 refugees from South Sudan, mostly women and children. We know that school can be a lifeline for refugee children. But up to 70% of children here are missing out on school. Girls are 2.5 times more likely than boys to be out of school.

We are helping get children in Ethiopia’s refugee camps and host communities back into school. We’re building classrooms, training teachers, investing in schools and boosting child protection. With the support of Trusts and Foundations, we can help give refugee children back the change for a bright future.


What our partners say

We trust our donation is well spent

We trust our donation is well spent

"As a grant-maker we have a responsibility to ensure the money faithfully donated by our members is spent wisely.

"This is why we choose to partner with Plan International UK for many of our long-term emergency aid projects.

"Thanks to dedicated staff on the ground and the careful reporting provided, we trust our donation is well spent, directly assisting those people who need our help the most."

 - The Masonic Charitable Foundation

Seeing first-hand the difference that it has made

"The Sir Halley Stewart Trust is pleased to have supported a number of Plan International UK projects over the years, and to have visited their work in Burkina Faso and seen first-hand the difference that is being made there. 

"We have been consistently impressed with how Plan International UK involves and responds to the needs of communities.

"Their thorough reports keep us well-informed of progress and the positive outcomes that have been achieved through the projects we have funded."

- Sir Halley Stewart Trust

Seeing first-hand the difference that it has made

Get in touch

Help improve children’s lives by supporting our work. Call 020 3217 0228 or email

Their record is commendable

Their record is commendable

"At ECF we strive for equality and justice for all by supporting the most marginalised and promoting human rights.

"We feel that Plan International share this vision when it comes to protecting children in some of the world’s poorest countries.

"Their record for responding to disasters, and for promoting opportunity, equality and children’s rights is commendable.

"We are very glad to have supported several of their worthy projects in recent years."

- Evan Cornish Foundation

Thank you

To the many trusts and foundations that make our work possible. Together, we’re working closely with communities to build a better future for children and young people in the world’s poorest countries.