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major donors


major donors


At Plan International UK, we want you to feel personally connected to your giving. Your generosity is extremely personal and we’re committed to bringing you closer to projects you are passionate about.

We have a portfolio of projects which are in urgent need of funding, so if you’d like to explore making a gift of £5,000 and above,  we’ll talk you through each stage – from picking your project to receiving regular reports and updates featuring the children benefiting from your donation.

You’ll also be invited to exclusive events, with opportunities to meet the staff delivering Plan International projects around the world and gain unique insight into our child-centred, community development approach. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Why join the plan family?

Speech bubbles

A personalised experience

When making a major gift, you’ll be connected to your own Plan International staff member who will listen to your interests and help you connect to the issues that you care about the most. By joining the Plan Family, we are with you every step of the way.

magnifying glass over chart

Reporting on your impact

We will send you in-depth reports, including updates from our project experts, explaining the impact you are having. You will be invited to exclusive events where you can meet senior Plan International staff as well as fellow supporters. You will also get the chance to visit our projects and meet the children, families, and communities you are supporting.

One to one connection illustration

A chance to make a difference

With more than 80 years' experience of working with communities around the world, we put the voices of those most in need at the forefront of what we do. We listen to what communities tell us they need and work with dedicated supporters like you to bring about truly sustainable, lasting change.

Projects currently in urgent need of funding

Projects in urgent need of funding

Innovation for education in Ghana

Innovation for education in Ghana

Less than half of adolescent girls are enrolled in basic education in Ghana. Often the quality of learning at school is so low that, with resources scarce, families simply don’t see the benefit of prioritising school.

That’s why we’re using innovative education technology to broadcast live, high quality, interactive lessons to rural schools. We are also supporting teachers to develop their skills, improving the way schools are run and helping to change attitudes to girls’ education.

A gift of £24,000 would be enough to set up and maintain six classrooms with the facilities for remote interactive lessons.

Girls’ education in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, 1 in 4 girls will never make it to secondary school. Girls are missing out on vital, basic literacy and numeracy. Many families in Zimbabwe were already struggling. Coronavirus has only made this worse.

Our project’s Learning Hubs give marginalised girls a chance to learn again. Basic education levels, self-confidence and life skills help girls go on to school, training or work. But we need your help.

A gift of £10,000 is enough to provide kits of basic learning materials to 1,600 girls. Every £1 donated is matched by the UK government, which is also supporting this project, so £10,000 has the power to provide £90,000.

Girls’ education in Zimbabwe

What our supporters say

What our supporters say

What our supporters say

"I wanted to make a donation to a project where I could really make a difference, and where the charity had the expertise, infrastructure and people on the ground to deliver results that would have a lasting impact.

"Within a year, I had visited the school I had supported in Nepal, and every step of the way my confidence in Plan and the efficacy of their operations has grown. I am so impressed with how well they engage with the local communities and their commitment to involving children in all that they do.

"From a personal perspective I just loved being able to combine my giving with some adventurous travel, but perhaps most important for me has been the manner in which Plan helped me to feel personally connected to my giving, which has made this one of the most rewarding experiences of my life."

- Jenny, Plan International supporter

Get in touch

Find out more about giving a major gift with Plan International UK