Education and opportunity
Championing the right of every child to learn, thrive and reach their potential.
Education and opportunity
Championing the right of every child to learn, thrive and reach their potential.
Every child has the right to education. It’s a human right. And it’s the way they can get the best start in life.
All children should have the chance learn, including when disaster hits. And to learn in a place where they feel safe and included.
It's not just about school. It's also about the chance to learn about life, growing up and vital skills. Like how to speak up for your community, or earn a secure and sustainable living.
Equal opportunities mean that everyone has a chance to learn all this. And it means that the schoolchildren of today can grow up with real choices about their future.
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Education matters
“If we do not do well in our studies, our parents might decide to marry us off at an early age,” explains 17-year-old Marzia, a student from Bangladesh.
Fortunately, Marzia is excelling in her studies thanks to her hard work at a new learning centre set up by Plan International. It’s free and focuses on STEM subjects: science, technology, education and maths.
“With the support of the new learning centre, I came first in my class,” says Marzia.
“Being top in my class makes me proud and gives me confidence about myself. I know I can become something; I have the potential. It makes me feel hopeful about my future.”
Education and skills for all
Education and skills for all
Millions of children and young people are missing out on the chance to learn and master skills for the future. Poverty, hunger and conflict are just some of the barriers.
Girls face some unique barriers like cultural norms and beliefs. Barriers are multiplied if someone has intersecting identities – like being disabled or a refugee.
To tackle this injustice, we try to remove barriers and create opportunities, with a focus on girls and those most at risk. We also lobby for greater prioritisation and protection of these rights.
Skills for life
“We don't need to buy anything from the market anymore. We can produce everything here. We save money, and we sell vegetables for money now,” explains 16-year-old Shimul from Bangladesh.
Shimul has created a profitable vegetable garden at home for his family. He learnt the skills through a school garden project run by Plan International.
"After starting this garden, everything is going well for me. The garden is getting better day by day, and our health is very good now.
“When we didn’t have this garden, we used to buy vegetables from the market, which are grown using chemical fertilisers. The food made from our vegetables is really nutritious.”

Voices for change
For children living in crises, education is a lifeline. But currently only between 2-4% of the world's humanitarian funding goes to education in emergencies.
Youth leaders like Angela are leading the call for education in emergencies to be better protected and funded. Angela is part of the Youth For Education in Emergencies (Youth4EiE) panel at Plan International:
“We know that young people are desperate to learn. And we know that governments must prioritise and fund education in emergencies.”
Support the right to education
Sponsoring a child helps communities ensure children receive the education they deserve.