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Every day, girls are being trafficked within Nepal, across the border into India and overseas. They’re being forcibly taken, coerced, targeted by men posing as their boyfriends and lured with the promise of work and a new life.

Once they’re taken away from their homes, these girls are being sexually exploited in brothels. They’re being forced into child marriage, domestic servitude and to work in clothes factories. They’re being abused for others’ gain, and it has to stop.

That's why we asked you to share your messages of support with youth advocates Sarita and Sabina and sign thier petition, as they campaign to get their Mayor to take action – and the response was overwhelming, with more than 46,000 of you adding your name.

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Your message of support

Your messages of solidarity meant so much to us – it’s an incredible feeling to know so many people around the world are behind us and really care.


Sarita and Sabina, youth advocates, Nepal


Nepal is in the middle of huge political change. Power is shifting from the national to the local level, but while the Government is transitioning, the traffickers aren’t stopping – so politicians can't either.

With such drastic political change, there’s a big opportunity. For the first time, there are newly-elected local Mayors with the power to develop local laws and action plans, and take responsibility for ending this abuse of girls’ rights.  

With your support, Sarita and Sabina have asked their Mayor to commit to end the trafficking of girls in Nepal – and he’s agreed to take action. As a result, a new public awareness campaign will be launched, to make sure every girl in their area knows about the risks.


More than 8,000 girls and women

are trafficked in Nepal every year


Nearly 70% of domestic workers globally

are girls and over one fifth work in hazardous conditions


of people sexually exploited

for commercial gain around the world are female

Meet the campaigners

“Trafficking is a denial of rights. I’d like everyone to come together to stop trafficking.” – Sarita, youth advocate

With the help of incredible supporters like you, Sarita and Sabina are one step closer to making sure girls in Nepal, their families and communities are aware of the dangers of trafficking.

Their Mayor has committed to run a public awareness campaign on the issue – and that’s just the beginning. Together with Plan International, they want to create a blueprint for change across the country, taking their campaign to neighbouring areas and all the way up to the national government.

Sabina, left, 17, and Sarita, right, 15, are campaigning to end trafficking in Nepal.
"Girls should get enough knowledge before going overseas or they could end up in my situation," says Sharmila. She returned to Nepal after being trafficked to Dubai when she was 16.

‘They told me i would get the opportunity to work’

When her sister’s friend offered her the chance to work abroad, Sharmila* thought she would be able to make some money to help her family. Instead, she was sold to a family in Dubai and forced to work as a maid.

Refused her wages, she was sexually exploited by members of her employer’s family. Now, she’s determined to raise awareness and stop more girls being trafficked. 

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‘I never expected this could happen to me’

Laxmi’s* story started with a phone call from a man she didn’t know. He gained her trust and promised her the chance to travel in India – then sold her to work in a brothel.

Today, with her sister’s help and the support of safe houses in India and Nepal, she’s rebuilding her life and sharing her story, so other girls know the risks of being trafficked. 

Read more stories

"I was devastated. I would like to tell other girls, do not trust a person you don’t know." Laxmi was rescued and returned to Nepal after she was trafficked to India when she was 15.

*Names have been changed to protect identities