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Taking a stand against trafficking

Taking a stand against trafficking: Tama and Gift

Please note: this page contains references to sexual violence and abuse which some people may find upsetting

Youth advocate Tama in Nigeria

Tama, 25, grew up in Lagos before moving to Abuja to study. She provides training to children so they know their rights as well as advocating for every girl’s right to an education.

“I grew up in an area that was peaceful and calm and had parents who were protective, so I wasn’t exposed to much danger.

“At school I realised that I was privileged growing up the way I did. Hearing about verbal abuse and sexual abuse from people my age, from my friends – it was unbelievable to me. I grew up in Nigeria and I hadn’t experienced those things. I didn’t get to see them.

Girls are being trafficked every day. They’re going through a lot and need help. This is an opportunity to get my voice out there in this campaign.

“I want the government to increase awareness on the issue of trafficking. It’s not just knowing what trafficking is, but who to report it to.

“When I think that I was a child enjoying my childhood but someone somewhere was going through traumatic experiences, with no one to talk to and no one to handle the issues with them, it makes me really sad.

“That’s one thing that drives me every day – there are a lot of children who are not privileged to have what others have. You can advocate for them to have a better life and opportunities.”

Youth advocate Gift in Nigeria

Youth advocate Gift, 25, is an economist and consults for start ups and NGOs. Her volunteer and advocacy work focus on girls’ education and gender equality.

“Human trafficking is a crime against human dignity. It's modern slavery.

“No one is safe because the traffickers don't come in forms you can see. They come and say, ‘I have a job for you.’ It could be you, it could be your brother, it could be your sister. It could be anyone.

“We need to create this campaign so the government can build partnerships with different ministries, with the police, with housing departments, with other NGOs and the public. They need to be a part of this campaign.

Let’s everybody stand up and say ‘no more’ to human trafficking. Enough is enough. This is our fight, especially as women. Nobody can fight it for us more than we can do for ourselves.

“We need everybody to be together on this. Wherever you're from, wherever you are. Let's put our voices together and work on this. Let’s join hands and ensure that trafficking comes to an end.”

Discover more: read Hannah and Esther’s stories >

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